Have been busy for the whole days.. didn;t talk much also...sohcheng wasn't around make me felt bored and im initiative on doing all my filing works..almost finished filing all those documents that had been keeping for a long time, finali finished all at one shot. Right after i reach home, i used 20 minutes time to finished evything , took bath, changed clothes and dried up my hair, all i need was 20 minutes, have been attain the records that i ever had. Later straight away went out for yum cha..On the way going home, she told me she still felt sad on it especially when she is going out. she knew tht she is sad but she cant do anything.i knew she wasn;t happy yesterday right after she the msg to me when she walked to my room, looking for the clothes and doing fashion show (wut she told me ), i knew that she must not feel good on this but just couldn't do anything on it edi. Things had been changed, life goes on, everyone shud go on a better way or wut can i said is a way that we shud go.
Last nite, i was in a hot temper, moody and even felt like wana cry, i ignore him, din reply his msg, din ans his call, and treated him as transparancy,i saw him thru web cam and he just didn't do anything right after he told me he is abit impatience on my temper. I felt on sad on his wording especially when he hung up my call, i feel like wana cry out.im so stupid, hav a stupid thought, thought he will no bother me anymore.such a stupid wording came out from my mouth.shit man...He gave me one sentence of word to replace everything. He said" Dear i reli love u so much, pls dun do this to me, i felt very sad and heart pain"i felt like im so naif anc childish to do all this kind of stupid things to him...sorry to him...wish to love him more...dun wan lose him..
I have been walking through this road for quarter of the century and knowingly that I had missed out and forget about the precious moment I had with my love ones. Without letting myself regret, my story of my second quarter would begin from here...
Monday, 31 March 2008
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Darling..I reli duno why there is a sudden moody of me and I dun wana answer u...I know that im just to yum sing..the moment that u told me" I felt very impatient edi, I dun wan to say anything" . A thought in my mind, he is going to be fed up on my behaviour or my temper manner..i reli duno..i was afraid..i feel like wana cry but i couldn't. not even a single drop of my tears was dropped out.izzit becos im not so moody as i thought?or i just wana be angry of those wording that they said jus now...those shitting cases??and i just wana put all my temper on him??when the time i saw his msg in skype, im not feeling like wana reply a single word, but when the time i saw him away from his seat, i was worried, he is totally fed up wit it edi, i felt very helpless...pls..wut happen to me ...
Yesterday i was worrying about her, seeing her eyes was swollen, emotional not stable, uncontrollable, those sadness was overwhelming each of us..Lately i saw her was talking wit her thru webcam and sound feeling better than before. Today she told me that everything has reach a compromise..both of them agreed to let each of us. she even told me that she is going to start a new relationship.she said that she is going to start a new relationship that;s why she feel uncontrollable and emotional..is sad to hear that. i believe if these words come out from xw, definately my tears won't be lesser than her.she told me that this is a turning point of her, i agreed with wut she said. This might be a tough time to go thru, or wut can i said, this might be a good time for both of them to adapt to a new environment, an environment or days that without her.. I guess there are no longer love exist between them, wut they have is it might be a habit for each of them, some sort of relying on each of them..now is time for them to be independent." Life Goes On", this is wut she told me, these wordings are great.v shud be heading towards but not behind. I reli wish both of them can be return back to the person that i knew previously, the girl that are happy go lucky, bright and cheerful..I wish i can see it.
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Happy Burfday to My Beloved Darlingz
Burfday Dinner in TGI Fridays in The Curve

Happy Burfday to yOuuUuu!!!

Darling with lime juice and Strawberry moouse cake
Happy Burfday to yOuuUuu!!!
Darling with lime juice and Strawberry moouse cake
Last week is his burfdayi, i have been busy thinking on his burfday present. Finally something come to my mind, which is perfume or wallet. I knew that he had allergy on perfume, so end up i have decided to buy a wallet for him. On the brand problem which make me mad. he told me NO RENOMA for him, such a choosy fella..and then i told him, i not able to get the branded wallet for him such as braun buffel, he agreed also..and i told him tht i got no time to buy his present so i decided to bring him along to get the present, he agree wit that. end up, the day before he came back, i went to 1utama with frens, i saw there are some discounts on jj on the guys wallet, unfortunately, i saw braun buffel this brand, i walked over there to hav a look, that moment i decided to get him one but for discounted one, end up the one that i choose is the new arrival and no discount at all, somemore it is so much more than my budgeted amount. Im so broke..but when the time i saw him open the present and that kind of shock and surprise when he saw the brand and the walet, i felt that it is worth it. i knew tht he is very happy on it..although, im not able to have a grand burfday for him jus a small piece of cake which can make him happy for the whole days...i guess this might be im his very first girlfriend and the very first burfday that celebrate wit him....wish that i can be celebrate for him for evy single year.
Days passing very fast, by calculating the days that v had been today is about 2 more months edi..time reli pass very fast..I felt very happy when i have him as my beloved and some kind of recognition from both of our families, it doesnt refer to those procedure like "meet the parents" but it had been get some kind of introduce me to his family members and do have a day out wit his sister..a nice gal..but i just feel like a weird feeling..may be this is so called the tension or scare feeling.I was afraid that im not acceptable by his families..hope im not wrong..
While at the same time of my happiness, i never notice that my fren is suffering, i felt so sad on it, how come i never notice my fren is suffering, when i knew it wut had happened on her, i felt tht im helpless, and i just CAN"T DO ANYTHING".Recently, her incident has been apprearing in my mind oftenly, i reli duno why, i cant figure it out aso..Have been seeing her suffering evything that she just cant do anything to solve this problem, this is wut she told me" This is not easy to solve, involve in too many people, hard to figure a good solution", at that moment, i wish she can share out evything to me, may be this problem unsolveable, but i wish some kind of expressing out the feeling might make her felt more relieve of not keeping this secret in her mind for such a long time. when she told me about the incident, i have been suspecting for a long time, but as a best fren of her, since she dun wana express out anything, i will just leave her alone on this, cos this is wut v believe, " If a person willing to tell out something, he or she definately will express it out without asking by other frens" this is our theory, i believe it so do she. I reli dun wana see her continue to suffer by having so much problems which including some sort of stress that giving by her family.Hair drops, no apetite, insomia and so on..i saw her had weight dropping, she is getting thin and thinner.When i see this, i reli duno wut to do, just like wut she told me " Sorry for letting u know it which add on stress on u" gal, frens are never mention on these kind of words unless u never ever treated me as a good fren of u. I reli wish all of those person pls stop adding in stress on u, if u reli a considerate person or care for her, pls let her go and leave her alone.
I reli duno why, recently many of my frens have problems on their relationship, felt that sadness surrounding all of us...never ever ends..recently, the latest one that i knew is a good fren of him, he told me that, he felt so sad on the relationship that had been dragging for a long time and now finally reach an end. For him, this is suppose to be a good solution or some kind of relieve, instead of this, he felt sad on this relationship.i guess he is truth to her but with the word of "commitment", they are afraid to proceed to the next step, i bet, there might be just a single step, will reach to a happy ending but they couldn't reach there.Although he is not so close to me, the way he told me about his story, i can feel that he is suffering..he is losing her, which may be of those WORDING from him to her or may be this suppose to be the time to end this dragged relationship.
After knowing so many incidents, i will feel that im in happiness but there are still some kind of worry, afraid me and him will be the next, but i knew that we won't be easily come to an end after all those things happened among us, our relationship shud be build up concrete.some wishes come to my mind which is i wish all my frens are stay happily and healthy everyday, no more some sort of stress, worry and sadness....
While at the same time of my happiness, i never notice that my fren is suffering, i felt so sad on it, how come i never notice my fren is suffering, when i knew it wut had happened on her, i felt tht im helpless, and i just CAN"T DO ANYTHING".Recently, her incident has been apprearing in my mind oftenly, i reli duno why, i cant figure it out aso..Have been seeing her suffering evything that she just cant do anything to solve this problem, this is wut she told me" This is not easy to solve, involve in too many people, hard to figure a good solution", at that moment, i wish she can share out evything to me, may be this problem unsolveable, but i wish some kind of expressing out the feeling might make her felt more relieve of not keeping this secret in her mind for such a long time. when she told me about the incident, i have been suspecting for a long time, but as a best fren of her, since she dun wana express out anything, i will just leave her alone on this, cos this is wut v believe, " If a person willing to tell out something, he or she definately will express it out without asking by other frens" this is our theory, i believe it so do she. I reli dun wana see her continue to suffer by having so much problems which including some sort of stress that giving by her family.Hair drops, no apetite, insomia and so on..i saw her had weight dropping, she is getting thin and thinner.When i see this, i reli duno wut to do, just like wut she told me " Sorry for letting u know it which add on stress on u" gal, frens are never mention on these kind of words unless u never ever treated me as a good fren of u. I reli wish all of those person pls stop adding in stress on u, if u reli a considerate person or care for her, pls let her go and leave her alone.
I reli duno why, recently many of my frens have problems on their relationship, felt that sadness surrounding all of us...never ever ends..recently, the latest one that i knew is a good fren of him, he told me that, he felt so sad on the relationship that had been dragging for a long time and now finally reach an end. For him, this is suppose to be a good solution or some kind of relieve, instead of this, he felt sad on this relationship.i guess he is truth to her but with the word of "commitment", they are afraid to proceed to the next step, i bet, there might be just a single step, will reach to a happy ending but they couldn't reach there.Although he is not so close to me, the way he told me about his story, i can feel that he is suffering..he is losing her, which may be of those WORDING from him to her or may be this suppose to be the time to end this dragged relationship.
After knowing so many incidents, i will feel that im in happiness but there are still some kind of worry, afraid me and him will be the next, but i knew that we won't be easily come to an end after all those things happened among us, our relationship shud be build up concrete.some wishes come to my mind which is i wish all my frens are stay happily and healthy everyday, no more some sort of stress, worry and sadness....
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