I have been walking through this road for quarter of the century and knowingly that I had missed out and forget about the precious moment I had with my love ones. Without letting myself regret, my story of my second quarter would begin from here...
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Mood was spoiled
Suppose today is the most happy day to me, whole day i was very happy and i was like counting down the hours that he's coming back to me..reli miss him so muchie..cant wait to see him edi.. end up my mood was totally spoiled. her wording was totally hurt...the things that she said made me feel like she is not trusting me...i can accept no trusting from frens but not families..i hate that feeling....
Monday, 28 April 2008
Bad day 2
Sob sob....wut a bad and unlucky thing..seems like none of the things goes right..ever since this morning until just now..nothing good happened..all the things couldnt go on smoothly...there mus be something jam up over there..really mentally stress up for the whole day til all the temper came out, moody and feel sad..on the work i guess...reli like stress recently..nothing seems going right, i have been trying my very best to do it, but still couldnt solve it...reli stress man...somemore, i hurt my hand, shoulder and waist..very painful...becos of chris la, by helping her to carry the heavy microwave, i hurt myself...sob sob...wish that he is here to help me to masage and put medicine...cant wait til the day he come back..
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Wut I have done for today!!!

Wut a tiring day..i sweep the floor, mop the floor, wash the kitchen, clean my rooms, wipe the windows, iron the clothes..etc...til im totally exhausted..then i went for swimming...But still i have did smth for xiauweng..i make smth special for him as our 100 days anniversary present. It might not be smth expensive but something that i make solely for him..i made this til my hand and neck also painful..but al of this not becos of only making this til i felt tired instead i feel happy when i did this to him..when i love somebody, u will willing to do smth for him..eventough u feel tired but u will think that wut u have done is worth to get his smile on his face by saying "thank you dear, i love it so much", is reli worth for it..
Friday, 25 April 2008
Farewell to AWei
Again, there is another fren who is going to leave this big families..she is the person who leave after seow hwee..she is a bit boyish, tough and good-looking..is a nice person..i was absent on the morning session, she bought ice-cream as a farewell present for each of them, but too bad i dun hav one and it doesnt matter to me. Suddenly, this afternoon, when melinda came back from MAS, she walked towards me and hand over a red box, when i saw it, i knew it was KFC, she told me that the chicken is ah wei asked her to buy for me as the farewell present since i missed the ice-crema yesterday, that moment i felt so much touching cos i never think that i will have it somemore is something different from each of them. That moment i knew that we bought that cake for her is worth for it.This cake is a big surprise to her..i can see that she feels touching on the things that we did it to her..especially the moment that she left the office, i still remember it was 630pm, everybody walked over and said the last goodbye to her. Before she left, she told melinda that she missed her tong sui so much and her tears dropped down.all of us felt surprise, a tough gal will dropped her tears..i was wondered when the day soh cheng leave or me, will i cry???the question prompt out from my mind. when everybody busy saying goodbye to her, sip walked over to the door there and open to ask her to leave, i know he just wana fool around, since he lost a good partner on the audit work..all of us miss her so much, she have been here for about a year, the time is not long and not short, too much memories brought over to her..those sadness and happiness..althought YCC might not be a good company to give wutever you want in terms of increment or opportunity to reach higher but still it is a warmest company, the environment of working, the colleagues are frenly, like to fool around, helping each others..when i look back i notice that i've make a right decision on the time wheni choose this company, im not regret of coming in, one thing i canot admit is i reli thanks to karuna, he reli teach me alot and help me alot... i reli gain alot from him..never regret on working here...
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Bad Dayz again !!!!!!!!
I was wondering how come everytime im soo "lucky"this is the second time i lock myself but this time slightly different compare to last time, cos i locked myself in my room. can u imagine, no water no food, going to be dehydration...but, not so serious until that level. at least i have little bit water, without any food, and toilet!!!i guess one of the lucky that happened today which is at least i din feel stomachache that day consider as the most luckiest thing edi...i shud be appreciate that.reli felt helpless that time, nobody can help me, somemore raining heavily early in the morning, wut a bad day !!!!no locksmith willing to come, even if there is one willing to come but he wants to charge at a higher amount which is about few hundreds over. he is like a shark bitting me or wut i can say is he is sucking my blood just like a vampire. i have make many calls til almost many ppl also know wut had happened to me, more than 20 ppl know about my embarrass things, all of them just like laughing at me..til i reach to owner there.luckily she willing to pay me back for the bil but too bad, i forget to the bill from the uncle, i guess i have to call him back to get back the bill if not i cant get back my money!!!im broke man...almost wana cry this morning..luckily i din cry after thinking about it cos this is not the first time, i should be forbia in this case right?luckily hong sun manage to help me this morning, he bring the locksmith to come over and send him back again to take the lock and come back again to accompany me just in case i don;t have enough money to pay for it, reli feel sorry and thanks him so much cos he didnt slep for 24 hours edi due to heavy work load..i feel so thankful for helping me to run here and there although he is tired, wut a good fren of him..the worst thing is the management fella did bring over the locksmith and at the same time hong sun reach my house wit the locksmith, end up there are 2 locksmith, i reli feel embarrass at the moment like i make the things more complicated.end up i have to pay for 2 persons, the first fella who come from kl, he is just like the vampire to suck my blood, suck my rm80 bucks, luckily the 2nd uncle charge me rm50 bucks onli...wut a lucky...finalli everything has fixed, end up went back to the office...the 2nd bad thing happend again, i make a mistake on my work again, if this is a mistake from client still acceptable but this work come from the big boss..wut a big mistake i make on the name somemore this is the thing that i have submitted to SSM, now i reli feel guilty for making such a big mistake!!!!this is not the first time..how dare i make such a big mistake, sometimes i reli suspect whether i reli suit to work in this line due to im such a careless person..feel very guilty..suddenly feel like today is the most bad day i ever had in my life.never come to this before like never ends...haiz...i reli need some relieve..after happen all this thing, i reli wish he can be by my side when i ned help but always he is not the one. i know that i cant blame him, he is trying his very best edi...and i never ever blame him for tht also..although i wish to hav him by my side.my sis asked me whether will i fall in love wit him since he helped me, wut a big joke...but one thing canot deny which is i reli feel appreciate him and thanks him.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Missing someone
Recently i had been busy on my work, almost 24 hours in the office..working non stop til im going to forget who is my beloved or who are my frens...but i will never ever forget how much missing i had on him...is been 2 more weeks i didn't meet him, feel so suffer..wish that he can be by my side all the time..sometime when i see all those couples happy holding hands, hugging together...i wish i can be like them..long distance will make ppl feel suffer..but which can make my love increasing from day to day...he is the best i ever had..
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Wut a day...came home late and receive a bad news..gosh wut a bad news, cant acceptable..i onli can see those tears dropped down from her. never ever see she is so weak before..never ever.. since the day i knew her, she is a tough and strong person that i ever met, she can handlle everything well but no fail. This time it is a tough time for her, she was so hurt, hurt til deep inside her heart, something that she never tried before.Seeing her sadness, i felt sad also but i just feel like i cant do anything. Tonight, she express everything to me, something that keep inside her heart for such a long time, something that couldn't easily wipe out from her mind or heart. is something like a tattoo that stuck in her heart..not only this, some other thing that haunt her mind..a problem that might make her have a big changes in her life..a big changes to her which might make her couldn't adapt at this moment. family problem brought a changes to her..wut a sudden bad news to her, if i was in this situation, i bet i couldnt accept it at all..we might know how to advise people, while we are at this situation, nobody can act rational as the way they advise people..too many things happened recently surrounding me, looks like all the problems come out from my frens, this moment reli couldn;t accept it..even another of my fren told me that she wants to break up wit her beloved.I reli duno how to advise them. Those problems come out from them..seeing each of them suffer in their love life, i felt so much sad on i cant do anything.I don;t even see them smile and laugh just like last time..those gals tat i knew before are gone..those laughing from them are become lesser..even the smile from her, i felt she was pretending only but not truth from their heart...it makes me felt sad....i wish everything will be fine ..sooner or later, those smiling faces appear in their faces again....
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Wut a Bady Dayz!!!
Wut a bad day today!!!Everything also couldn't go on smoothly. Everything also jam out and stuck over there..wut a bad day today....hate it ...forget this one, canot go thru this one, not enuf time, the place was close, stuck in heavy traffic jam, hate it so muchie la...wut a tiring day..wish that can go home early...thought that now suppose to be the peak period, end up the audit fella go home much more earlier than me..felt so much imbalance la...suppose they are the one who need to OT end up v are the one in OT , wut had happend la?feel so much unfair to us...reli duno why,today all the cant go on smoothly..lately onli v notice that today is april fool...hahha..wut a big fool to us today..
I guess evything that happend that are those bad things, that's the one thing that i feel good is I met Jeffrey Ong!!!guess who is he?? he is the swimmer that represent Msia to take part in the sea games and gain lots of medals..wut a proud to malaysia. The things that attract me is his gentlemen..OMG so gentle and the way he talked very nice...I love this kind of person..wahahaa..my colleague told me that im like fall on it...
Later when i reached home, i heard that she was get scolded yesterday nite by her..i reli duno why this relationship has to be lasting for how long..later, i knew that she will be moving out to her aunty there, i agreed that it might be a good way to solve the problem. It will be a good solution for both of them to avoid seeing each other everyday. This might not be a good wat for both of them to let those jealousy getting on and on...I knew that she is not willing to let her go and stay with her relatives but this will be a good way to settle to current problem. The damn shock thing that i get to know is, she went out wit her alone to celebrate her burfday, i was damn shock. I couldnt imagine how come everything come to be so fast and not acceptable..and unbelievable..the main thing is im not the only one who couldnt accept it. As I know she is not this kind of person and everything seems not alrite. Through my point of view, i notice that both of them are trying to use another person to hurt her and let them to forget each of them. I hope i was wrong, just like wut she told me, life has to be go on but this kind of things has to take time to settle it, not something that can be settle within one or two days. I reli wish the problem can be settle within a short time, reli dun wan to see her continue like this.
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