I had finally finished my reading on Eat Pray Love. After finished reading the book, i started to understand why this book was selling hot in New York and so do highly recommended by all the book stores. The way the writer wrote on her inner feelings and stories which had happened to her was really awesome. Very interesting! One of my friend told me that after she had read the book, she has a feeling to travel alone! =) I don't think I can do that as I'm such a.... people... =P.
Further to my reading, I had purchased another book on Sunday from Harris namely Twenties Girls by Sophie Kinsella again ! I love her books now =) The story was about a lady met her great grant aunty's spirit and she had requested her to find a missing necklace that had been in her possesion for more than 75 years and it had caused her cannot rest without it.
It sounds interesting right? I guess so...I'll tell you more when I finished it, ganbateh ! =)

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