Thursday 24 June 2010

Frustrated Part 2

I'm getting frustrated with my client! being stressed up because of them, everything for them is urgent urgent and urgent. Today is such an unforgettable memories for me. The systems has been down for the past few days which blocked me from accessing in to the system to update the information. I need to go through all this procedures before I can extract the profile from the system. Numerous phone calls have been made to check for this matters, however, no response received from them even tough they kept on saying the matter has been expedited. Finally we have reached the deadline for the submission of the documents to the client and yet we receive nothing from the authorities. Can you imagine, the client was jumping at us and screaming here and there. An email received right now, the next thing, the call will be going to my boss. I believe you guys won't be understand how I was being stressed up today. My boss was getting mad and made me went down to the authority's office knowing that the office has already closed. Fortunately, we are able to get some help out there and I feel so bad making everybody stayed back is just because of this matter. The officer even joint down the matters and mentioned that it will be investigated internally. I guess, I'll be cursing by those people out there. What can I do?? My boss did not scold me what is happening out there, in fact it is not my fault, I have already did my part, what else you want me to do?I feel so bad when my boss said this should not be dragged until the deadline, it should have resolved on the first day itself. For them it could be done easier, for us, do you think if I went down to the office and the matter will be resolved immediately??? I feel so bad... I couldn't stand for this...I wish i could just leave... I know I can't.. Fortunately, all the matters have been resolved and I can take a deep breathe. WHAT A DAY !


Rae Kitchen said...

星期三和四,internet 一直有问题,

什么东西拿过来的都说Urgent~! Urgent的~!

szteez said...

strongly agree!! I hate those client keep on saying that the things are urgent urgent and urgent!