Friday 6 August 2010

My New Book --> Shopaholic takes Manhattan

I went for window-shopping yesterday night while waiting for Weng off from his work. I was able to grabbed one skirt from Forever 21 (flower skirt). I love it so much as I have been searching for a long time to look a suitable one.

After 2 hours of shopping, feel so tired and suddenly thought of going to book store to look for fiction books. I walked in to this book store named Harris and I headed to look for Sophie Kinsella's books. Finally I was able to locate her books and it was arranged at the top of the rak. I have picked up this book called Shopoholic takes manhattan. It was about Becky ( the shopaholic)'s career prospects, relationship with Luke and available credit line. I was struggling whether should I purchase this book and will i really read it?

I have walked around and looked for other books and none of the books looks good for me. After being much struggled in the book store, I have decided to bring this book home. Yes! I really bought it and had started reading it yesterday night. Just like what hormei in her blog mentioned that when she read the book, she will be laughing. I think i have the same act with her! This is what we so call ji mui right? =)


mi said...


szteez said...

Yeah babe! =)